E loketse lirafshoa tsa indasteri tse tiileng haholo, lipente tsa likoloi, lipente tsa lisebelisoa tsa lapeng, le liphahlo tse akaretsang tsa indasteri.
YDN5158 ke resin ea melamine-formaldehyde e butylated haholo e nang le ho qhibiliha hamonate le karabelo e potlakileng ea ho folisa mocheso o tlase.E ka sebetsana hantle le hydroxyl, carboxyl, le lihlopha tse sebetsang tsa amide tlas'a maemo a fokolang a acidic.
YDN5158 e na le lintho tse tiileng tse phahameng, tse fokang fatše, ho qhibiliha ka mokhoa o babatsehang, karabelo e potlakileng ea ho folisa mocheso o tlaase, ho fokotsa boima ba 'mele, monko o tlaase oa formaldehyde, ho khomarela hantle, ho hanyetsa letsoai le ho hanyetsa boemo ba leholimo.
YDN5158 e qhibiliha ka ho feletseng ka bongata ba lino tse tahang, polyols, ether alcohols, ketone, lipids, metsoako e nkhang hamonate, le metsoako ea chlorinated.E qhibiliha hanyenyane ka har'a ethanol, aliphatic hydrocarbons, le nitro solvents, empa ha e qhibilihe metsing.Leha ho le joalo, ho qhibiliha ha eona ho ka eketsoa ka ho kopanya le metsoako ea 40/60, 30/70, le 20/80 ea metsi / ethanol.
YDN5158 e lumellana le boholo ba li-alkyd resin tse telele, tse mahareng le tse khutšoane, li-polyester resin, acrylics, epoxy resin, cellulose le polyols e tlase ea boima ba molek'hule.E boetse e lumellana le boholo ba li-resin tse thehiloeng metsing a anionic, empa mamello ea eona e tlaase ea metsi e thibela ho sebelisoa ha li-resin tse ngata tse thehiloeng metsing.
YDN5158 e hloka thuso e fokolang ea asiti bakeng sa ho phekola karabelo mme e hloka ho apehoa ka mocheso o akaretsang oa 125 ℃ kapa ho feta metsotso e 20.Catalyst ha e hlokehe haeba e baka mocheso o tlase kapa ka nako e khuts'oane, empa e ka eketsoa ho potlakisa karabelo.
Ponahalo: Mokelikeli o hlakileng oa viscous
Solvent: n-Butanol
Litaba tse sa fetoheng (105℃×3h)/%: 80±2
Viscosity (30℃)/mPa.s: 3000-7000
Boima ba lik'hilograma/m³ (23℃): 1060
Ntlha ea Flash ℃ (kopi e koetsoeng): 47
Free formaldehyde (boima ba %): ≤1.0
Solubility: Ha e khone ho qhibiliha (ka metsing), e qhibilihang ka ho feletseng (ka xylene)
Nako ea polokelo: Likhoeli tse 6
Khamphani e fetisitse ka tatellano IATF 16949: 2016 setifikeiti sa tsamaiso ea boleng, ISO 9001:2015 setifikeiti sa tsamaiso ea boleng, ISO 14001: 2015 setifikeiti sa tsamaiso ea tikoloho, ISO 45001:2018 setifikeiti sa tsamaiso ea bophelo bo botle le polokeho mosebetsing, setifikeiti sa ts'ireletso ea ts'ireletso, kamohelo e hloekileng ea tlhahiso. setifikeiti se tloaelehileng, le setifikeiti sa Amerika sa UL.
Lilemong tsa morao tjena, k'hamphani e 'nile ea fuoa moputso e le "Khoebo ea Naha ea Theknoloji e Phahameng", "Zhejiang Specialized and Special New Small and medium-size Enterprise", "Zhejiang Small and Medium-sized Technology Enterprise", "Jiaxing City Patent Demonstration Enterprise" , "Pinghu City Patent Demonstration Enterprise" le lihlooho tse ling tse ngata tse hlomphehang.